The problem was further exacerbated by the fact that I didn't know who the invoices were for, if the jobs had been completed or if the invoices had even been mailed out. It took a week in the office with my employees, going through the database, time sheets, and work orders to restore those invoices. During that interval the database dropped another fourteen invoices and I did not have my email backup to rely on. As a result, and unbeknownst to me, I was no longer BCC'ing my invoices to our company email. I switched to Firefox but continued to have issues. When Google Chrome updated, Invoice2go didn't they were incompatible and it would not work properly. Invoice2go recommended that before sending an invoice, that I contact my customers and get them to change their email setup to accept our emails. When we finally determined that they hadn't ever received the invoices, it was sometimes six months or more before we got paid. Some of our commercial clients keep us waiting up to ninety days before paying, and so we waited. Invoice2go figured they'd been delivered to their junk mail. My invoices that I emailed out did not reach my clients. Fortunately, because I BCC all my invoices, I had backup copies in my email. This is my story: Invoices have disappeared from their database on a regular basis over the two years. I have been using Invoice2go for about two years now. Additionally, one needs to subscribe to PayPal's Business Account in order to be linked. I will say that I applied to the Invoice2go Money which was probably why it asked, this section can be skipped. When I decided to give Invoice2go a try I had to wait to get to my credit cards because it needed a credit card to setup. Well, I did not like the fact that the advertisement for Invoice2go stated there is no credit card needed for setup. Honestly, if you can navigate QuickBooks, Invoice2go will be easy too. Another convenience is the integration with QuickBooks. All the documents are stored online for later retrieval and use. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the website included Invoice2go Money which I hope to be able to use in the future. Setup was easy, the site walked me through in just a few easy steps. Finding Invoice2go enforced that thought. Simplicity! I did not plan to start a document consultant, it was just an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.
#Invoice 2go software
Thankfully I am also able to accept online payments which saves me time that I can be working! In this day and age there is never enough time in the day to get things done, but Invoice2go software was there to help me try! PROS
#Invoice 2go professional
I am thankful that I did not have to start from scratch to create a professional looking invoice, Invoice2go made it easy.